Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

udk me! dont think u are!

Everyone can see
who i appear to be
but only a few
know the real me
you can only see
what i choose to show
theres so much behind this smile(:O
  •           YOU . JUST . DONT . KNOW


blablabla.. lalala..

apakah ini?

arrghhh!! ape nihh? she said:ank patung yg b'name 'domo' *i think lh! asl bnda nih ttba muncul dpn aq ? pelik wehh! adek aq bwu jh bli kt parkson! kakah tuh tgk nm0 xtw bnda nih! aq kelih gerey nop lepar ser0! t'ingt ko tin0 tuh!!!! argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! serabuk3........!!! jem palo aku! bullshit !

hahahahaha... trase la jgk aq! tp xkesah!

haha.. agk trase la jgk aq psl post yg die buat tuh 'i see dumb peoples'.. huhu.. for wht she wrote, its like she said to me!.. but, i dunno lh? huhu, haha.. siap ada p/s: agyh! bkn kaum hawa ek.?  so, suspect kdua aq bkn lh sep clorox! emm.. nk kta aq, dia ada 2lis dgn gang2! spe erk? d.m.c ka? aq rsa bukan!  tp aq sure lh, 90% sep m.m.l !!! klu 10% agy tuh aq silap wt andaian lh.. mybe its me and the d.m.c! ok,daa..
bye sioytt!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

2 moments

if you were around and you were my genie
and i had just a wish,
my wish would be two moments.
two moments in which the world is still,
two moments in which,
one is yours and another is mine.
two moments in which you are all my sight,
two moments in which i make you my might,
two moments in which our silence fight,
two moments in which the night is bright,
two moments in where, my eyes can hold you tight.
two moments where i can lie down on your lap,
and all the problems go for a nap,
and those two moments we are no where on the map.
and between our emotions, invisible is the gap
give me those two moments,
although i don't have a ginei today.
and just a few words to say.
i don't know weather my wish is a dream or a crime,
just two moments,
where one is yours and the another is mine.....

i wish

at times I wish we could
unceasingly kiss
in Williamete park
till the cops come
and say “break it up.”
and when we refuse
and sit in jail
we write each other love notes
saying it was worth it.

at times I wish we could
act like little kids
and lick down a single
ice cream cone

at times I wish we could
lie on the grass
all night
and count
stars one by one.

but you don’t know how I feel
and I don’t know how to tell you.
and so this saga goes.
how it will end I don’t know.

she's my greatest smile(:

  Way apart from the things in the mind,
Very unique only one of it's kind.
Blessed with eyes, but still so blind,
Ways present in front but still finds.
What to tell about her ways,
She's the great smiling face.

Never accepts that very easily she gets,
Instead of loving she hates.
Instead of becoming happy she regrets,
She's so impatient never she waits,
She's the great smiling face.

Intelligent but full of attitude,
Praises you till the time she knows the truth.
Then leaving politeness she becomes very rude,
what to tell about her grace,
She's the great smiling face.

She is my only way,
For her love my heart craves.
For her betterment my heart prays,
No matter however she is,
I love her for what she is.
Thinking and writing about her, i can pass many days,
She is my great smiling face.

into the battlefield tommorow wif that bastard !!!

aq mls nk gcoh2 nih dgn bdk koloh diri.. serabuk la nate tuh! xpuas ht nate apo nga aq xhaw.. baso bdo. harap jh kls cerdik! nate celako!!
berehh arh.. xdp mud nk 2lis!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


saket hati wehh bc0 msg ore!! nk nyepak ser0 jate tuh! ceh? sesi pngenalan konon!!! pah mit0k no.tpon! sesi pngenalan pal0 otok mg!!! kenalan dale fb sudoh tahik!! nate babi cilako thp 18!!! nop make nimbuk aq ugop ser0!  sioyttt jate loni! klu xleh wt tuh, ngejah wt laen! bangsat!!!!!!


nothing much doe !

dear all the pompuan who know me, aq ni xsuko amik gmbr! 1 agyh, muko aq xjd klu amik gmbr! ada phm?
aq nih xsemak! spe2 yg hin0 aq ko, ngupak ko, dk oyk aq xsemak ko( skoloh naim skalo gak),,,, aq xkesah bhai! aq redh0 jh! tp jgn wi aq ile sbr nga sep mg or spe2 lh! aq bli bare jefferson pown kes aq minat maka2 nih!!
s0,kpd bdx yg nma ena,tashaq,siti min0h rempit,zedaii,alyn haness bt zulkifli, dilla n lg2 nuh.. kut sep2 mg lh bhai!
aq xkesah doe! aq xmara!
ape yg aq kesah is,,,,,
aq nk kuasa je... thats all aq nak!! aq nk megey skoloh! aq nok mutor ! aq nop saem! aq nok b'jay0 n yg bnda aq pling nop, aq nop ******** ******
bye2,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hrp sep mg bc0 dehhhhh!!!!

Lamo Doh Xkatok 0re !!!

bilo nk katok ore ehh? puas nih!!! aq pom tekkey loni ...  bangsat !! sioytt !! aq ser0 nk katok 'hadmi' 
nate tuh koya nop mapus !!! isap rokok, isap shisha tp gak saem nge budok(bdk yg skola rendah).. hahahahahahahahahahaha...... lawok wehh! doh lh maka supo nate ciss! skema terus! prasan semak gu lawe! supo natang celako !!  doh lh thun lps koya gwe nga ika(ex-aq).. agah nop mapus!  koya cium, koya peluk nge tin0 aq arh... eeee! geli aq! nate tu nk koya pom bodo ugop! y0 gi koya nga saem baek aq ( syazwan nawang)..
mujur makwe royak kt ku.. b0d0 nate tuhh!  jg0 ar mun!  aq nok wi kud0 ats pele mg!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

xgi skoloh !!

yeay!! xgi skoloh ary niy... huhu ^.^  tobak cikgu maroh ko aq ! grr !! nih aq beci nih! hahaha.. well, biarlh. lantak arh cikgu nk marah x. aq pom serabuk ugak skul situ! bwerkk :P
aq xgi skolah sbb aq demam doe. ! bkn sjer2 mls.. hehehe xD *biar mls p0wn*hahaha..

kerje aq td hnya T.I.D.O.R smpai maghrib.. haishh =,=' niy sumer sb demam ar! grr!!
*adik aq amik gmbor! bas0 poy0 sungguh kakah tuh! busy body sokmo !*
btw,lena molek aq tidor! hahaha

quotes ?

you taught me how to love;
you taught me how to live;
you taught me how to laugh;
you taught me how to cry,
but when you left, you forgot to teach me
...how to forget you

Saturday, September 18, 2010

my cozzy !

dlm rama2 nih, aq beng0m,jahat,sumbax,gilo skali... hahahaha... kna bruboh doh lh.. haha,,

sedih )':

arghhhhh!!! duit raya aq xsmpai rm150 doe... rm115 jh aq dpt.. bolokss arr... tok aci!! adik aq buleh bnyok! gereyy wehh!!
and then mlm raya uh kt kampong pengkalan chepa, sumer mak&bapak sedar0 ckp aq mcm pondan! cissss!!! ni la ore xtaw maka! spupu jate aq sumo poyo.. ada sore du0 jh maka kemah sikit.. tp spupu tino aq bnyok ar ugok wt reti maka.. comey pom comeyy! hahaha.. keneyy aquw! xpi xdop aroh tuo2 blako doh.. ciss!:p


skunk niy tgh bowink.. so xde keje.. aq pom wt la blog bwu.. sb sjo puah2.. fb is s0 bowink r8 now der,,
xhaw bkpo.. aq wt blog bru kes mls nk smbung story aq dlm blog uhh sb takot ex aq gedik gi bukok url blog uhh.. xsanggup gua.. hahahahaha XD
bij0k dop? huhu..